TRX Suspension Training- For Home, Travel or Outside

TRX Suspension Trainers

TRX suspension training is slowly stealing the limelight away from other exercise equipment. Some of those who have been using machines have started to get bored. Now they are on the hunt for something more challenging. Something that would test their limits in a physical way. Something that would remind them that they have lost some weight already from all of that stretching and would like to shift gears to use that muscle earned for more rigorous training.

One of the best things I love is you can take them with you when you are traveling. You never have to miss out your TRX workouts.

This type of fitness training is attributed to a guy from the Navy Seals named Randy Hetrick. He wanted a physically challenging workout but didn’t have a gym membership or any fitness equipment around the house. The suspension aspect of the routine came in upon realizing that a pair or bands hanging from above with handles on both ends for him helped in maintaining the muscle-toning program needed to keep himself in shape.

The resistance part of the routine comes in the moment you realize, in case you are in your first days of learning the ropes so to speak, is how your own weight is used. No weights, just both of your hands gripping the TRX suspension handles and practicing different routines level by level. This takes us to the best known routines highly recommended to beginners.

Jumping squats

A squat is like sitting down but no chair to support the butt. Just bending the knee first and standing up again. When done with the TRX suspension training bands, pulling yourself up comes easy. So 4 to 8 counts of squatting and pulling yourself up with the bands before escalating the training to the jumping squats.

Start off by doing the squat position but instead of simply standing up to prep up for the next squat, you jump. Squat then jump. Repeat about 4 times and you realize how it started racing up your heart. That’s when you know how the routine creates an effective cardiovascular workout that gets your whole body pumped up in no time.


This is similar to push-ups done on the floor except that you’re pulling yourself up not by pressing the floor but by gripping the handles at a level parallel to your waist. Your legs are then apart with one feet ahead of the other as if the foot ahead takes the brunt of the weight that you push up. This will make you look like you’re standing with one foot forward, leaning forward as if the bands carry the body weight expected in the push up routine. This is the stance you make if you want to take it easy before escalating the pressure on the routine.

You then level up in this routine using the TRX suspension training by leaning forward and having both feet backward as you pull the bands in the middle of the push-ups. Some trainers say that the farther the feet step behind, the harder it gets for the routine to be applied. This is because the feet no longer carry on the body weight but the suspended bands. Excellent body workout needed for your arms and muscles around the back shoulder area.


This applies best if you have TRX suspension training bands that can easily be adjusted close to the floor. Not too close that it’s practically touching the floor but close enough for your feet to hang onto by the heels for the sit-ups. And this might remind you of a few yoga classes that you have been into. So get a yoga mat while you’re at it.

Check out the TRX Here

You sit down on the mat with your feet supported by the bands - sometimes the same ends you held as a handle double as a resting loop for your feet. Then you lie down and, as they say in yoga, “find your core”. You relax as you stretch your arms above your head and gather up the energy to sit up, letting your feet carry on the pressure of pulling you up.

Chest forward

This routine might be known by a different name. But TRX suspension training fans would use this routine to work out on their shoulder muscles, biceps, and chest muscles at the same time. The person would be between the bands, holding them in a way that leveled his/her waist and moved forward with one step to genuflect the other knee, making the arms stretched out like wings. The genuflect that occurs around the same time as the wingspan stretches happen alternately, using the body weight as resistance from the routine.

This is one routine that has more workouts going on at the upper torso. Muscles around the chest get pumped up. Muscles around the shoulder blades get worked out. And the biceps get toned better with the repetitions applied. Best done in 4 to 8 counts including the alternating genuflects. But this does not mean less activity going on around the thighs and the knees. Muscles around the thighs are worked out to the point of developing a tight butt.


Instead of crunching your belly in a sitting position, you face the floor with both hands without the torso and the rest of your body touching the floor because your feet are secured on the handles of the TRX suspension training bands. But instead of doing push-ups, you’re doing crunches by letting your knees touch your chest. Repeat at least 8 times and you’re sweating buckets from all the fat burned and the muscles utilized for a face-down crunch routine.

These are some of the exercises you may have seen from the TRX suspension training clips that can easily be viewed online. But learning them upfront comes easy the moment you decide to click this link to get your own TRX suspension training bands. Soon, not only will you lose weight. You’d also rejuvenate muscles and tendons you didn’t know you have.

TRX has become very popular, so you can be sure to find a class at any level. Start with the beginner classes and get use to the trainer before you go to a more advanced class. Or you can always buy your own for at home, travel or even outside for a workout. I have one and bring it with me when I am traveling, so easy to set up. It is so convenient, doesn’t take up much room and you know you can always get your workout it. The more you use it. The more interesting exercises you will find. It is an excellent piece of equipment and I highly recommend it. Let us know if you have used one or want to. Let us know on our social media. Click here to see more about TRX Suspension trainers


