START NOW AND TAKE ACTION TODAY! It doesn’t happen overnight. It is easy to start taking action but it will take time and practice to build it as a new positive habit – You know I like to call these practices SUPERPOWERS. The word superpower sent the mind into a greater mind shift. U GOT THIS!



BE REAL WITH YOU. The most important thing is how you think and feel about yourself. Building and maintaining high self-esteem is an integral part of life. Not only does high self-esteem allow you to have more internal stability, but it can help make your life become simpler, healthier and happier. Here are 7 powerful tips that you can use today to help you improve and maintain your self-esteem.


JESUS WHYYYYY DO WE DO THIS? No two people are the same, so how can we compare them. We have different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, experiences, knowledge and the list is endless. One of the worst things you can do yourself is to compare yourself to others. This is by far one of the worst habits we have made for ourselves. We are all guilty of this, some more than others but the GOOD NEWS is you can become more aware of this and control it with practice. This is because you think there will always be someone who has more than you, thinner than you, smarter than you or is better than you at something. Here’s the amazing thing, no one is like you. YOU are the only YOU. No one sees things the way you can or act the way you can. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is you. Look at all the things that you have accomplished in your life and how you can improve. FOCUS ON YOU.

This will help to raise your self-esteem as well as motivate you to do more if that’s what you want for yourself and most of us do. 



Most of us don’t take the time to spend on us and for some self-reflection and self-love. We tend to focus on the negative and get caught up in life, feel out of control BUT YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR ACTIONS AND YOUR THOUGHTS.

So here is another way to start another superpower practice. In the evenings, spend a few minutes writing down three things that you appreciate about yourself. At the end of the evening, before you go to bed, ask yourself, What are three things I can appreciate about myself? Not only will this help to improve your self-esteem, but it can also turn a bad mood around and can cause better sleep with less anxiety. WHY NOT FALL ASLEEP WITH A SMILE ON YOUR FACE, FEELING LIKE A BOSS!


WOW! This one might be more difficult than some of the other action steps. But it begins with one step and a decision to try.

Having a perfectionist mindset can paralyze you from taking action because you have become so scared of not living up to some standard you set for yourself or what you think others expect. This can lead to procrastination, resulting in you not getting the desired outcome that you want or an outcome at all because you have put something off too long. I am going to GET REAL WITH YOU HERE- What you create today, you probably won’t think it's perfect in a month from now or 6 months. Hell, Let me be more real and say it might be mixed with fear so DO IT, course correct along the way, but DO IT! You will learn a lot faster putting things out there then procrastinating. This can be one of the quickest ways to kill your self-esteem.



I love this one and believe when you step outside of your comfort zone and try something new, you can increase your opinion about yourself. You always feel proud you did it, even if it didn’t go as planned. I get nervous and anxious to try new things as well, BUT when I try to REMIND myself about when I left my comfort zone in the past and I have no regrets about doing new things.  It doesn't have to be anything significant, like sky diving or climbing a mountain, just something that will help you get out of your rut. Why not say HI to a stranger, give someone a compliment, ask someone out, dance on the corner while waiting for a light to change..lol, anything goes here. Step outside your comfort zone often and don't expect anything, just tell yourself that you'll try something out. BUT things will happen and you will begin to push that comfort level out to a new level of comfort. The goal here is to keep pushing your limits. U GOT THIS 1 LIFE as I say WHY NOT LIVE IT UP AND SEE WHAT ELSE THERE IS. Take the limits off yourself and grow.


OK SO… this can start with a small step but you need to take charge of the time you have and how you decide to use it. Work to give your time away from where you get to feel good. ASK YOURSELF – how do I feel around this person? Do they bring me joy? Do they bring me anxiety? Do they make me laugh> DO they make me eye roll before I see them? CHOOSE WISELY. Choose to spend less time with people who are unkind or unsupportive of your dreams and goals. Being around negative people can quickly bring you down and destroy your self-esteem. Instead, spending more time with people who are positive, and uplifting will go a long way toward improving your own self-esteem. Join a facebook group or group in person with similar interests. Join our group here.

AFFIRMATIONS - YES! One of my fav's


I know, I know there are some of you who just rolled your eyes and I get it - I was you, someone started talking self-love and affirmations I was like "Nope, I am out,  its all B.S. stuff and a waste of time" WELL I am can admit when I am wrong on a colossal level..lol  To be really honest it was hard to write because I AM A BELIEVER now! So if you are one of the eye-rollers then this is especially for you! I was a nonbeliever and thought that’s dumb and a waste of time. What can it actually do for me? We have all probably heard about affirmations and I AM affirmations and maybe even though they were a little silly. So, if the thought of telling yourself how much you are in love with yourself while looking in a mirror sounds a bit over the top, just hold on a minute. Give it a chance! If not for you for me. You are looking in the mirror anyway right, you must brush your teeth. You can start while multitasking BUT work our self into time spend for these I AM’s and focus on them, feel them but to start its building the habit.

MOVEMENT/FITNESS - It can be simple

OH I KNOW, not everyone’s fav topic BUT GET THAT BUTT AND BODY MOVING. Time to move your amazing body. Our bodies we made to move so let’s do more of that. You don’t need to workout out for an hour or 2 BUT WHY NOT start with 15 minutes at a time, work up when this has become a habit.  This is huge for your self-esteem! Your body and mind with THANK YOU.

OK before you stop reading because you are overwhelmed by all the tips, tricks, and fitness hacks out there. The 5 min abs in 3 days and the 30 lbs weight loss in a week are not real I am sorry to break it to you, and if it was done it wasn’t in a healthy way or something you can do as a long-term lifestyle.  Keep it simple and manageable to start so YOU

It is important to remember the reasons why you are working to improve your self-esteem. Doing these simple things daily and keeping these powerful reasons in mind will do wonders for improving your self-esteem. WANT MORE HELP OR ACCOUNTABILITY. LET US HELP BUILD A NEW HABIT WITH YOU. Check our programs out NOW> You have nothing to lose and so MUCH to gain.

U GOT THIS 1 LIFE! Enjoy every moment.



